As I prepared for a panel discussion at the upcoming Outsourcing World Summit in Chicago, I found myself reflecting on the theme: Seasoned practitioners versus “newbies.” It’s a natural inclination to reflect on my journey in this field, spanning nearly two decades. When we inked our initial major outsourcing deal, our retained team was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The strategy seemed promising, backed by a solid business case. The challenge lay in actualizing its potential and delivering the anticipated value.
Entrusting a supplier with the task of delivering services or products on behalf of your company is a vote of confidence in their abilities. It presupposes that they possess the necessary skills, knowledge, technology, and workforce to fulfill their obligations at the agreed-upon price. However, as expected, success doesn’t materialize effortlessly; both internal and supplier teams undergo their respective transformational journeys.
One of my early realizations was the significance of fostering a collaborative partnership with our suppliers. The intricacies are many, and seamless handovers are imperative both in service delivery and governance. At the core we ensured a focus on quality, irrespective of whether the capability originates from internal or external teams. Effective governance doesn’t operate in isolation; recognizing interconnectedness is pivotal in establishing a coherent framework capable of delivering value consistently.
Another crucial lesson learned was the necessity of investing time in aligning objectives and expectations with stakeholders and team members. Mere presentation of a solution is akin to putting someone on a train and expecting them to appreciate the destination upon arrival. In reality, they must contribute to laying the tracks and guiding us toward the right path. Mastering this aspect is an art form in itself.